【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區】

你係唔係搵緊機會喺 絕地求生M 嘅世界中挑戰自己🔫?依家機會嚟啦,我哋將會同 RoseG 合辦絕地求生M 比賽【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區】,比你同其他高手一齊爭奪冠軍🏆殊榮,仲有豐富獎金獎品等你嚟拎💰






賽事網址: https://www.yesports.info/

參賽者: 需年滿14歲

為了獲得比賽公告的通知,所有選手必須加入我們的 Discord 服務器!

Discord 連結:https://discord.gg/pCUQkQFj




獎金獎品 (總值超過15,000港元):

冠軍: HKD2,500 + Nineswing shirt x4

亞軍: HKD1,000 + Nineswing shirt x4

季軍: HKD500

特別鳴謝NineswingSafari Asia LimitedYesMaster HKYesMaster GO 對比賽嘅鼎力支持!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA🌹

Are you searching for an opportunity to challenge yourself in the world of PUBG Mobile🔫? Well, now you have a chance! We are excited 🥳 to announce that we will be hosting a PUBG Mobile tournament with RoseG【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA】where you can compete with other skilled players for the chance to win the championship🏆, as well as winning rich prizes💰!

Register now and share this post with your friends to invite them to participate this amazing tournament upcoming, we can’t wait to see you there!👀

📖Details of the Tournament:

Registration Date: 23 May 2023 to 31 May 2023 (deadline at HKT 18:00)

Tournament Date: 2 June 2023 to 4 June 2023

Estimated Number of Teams: 64 teams

Tournament Website: https://www.yesports.info/

Target Audience: 14 years old and above

In order to get notified for the tournament announcements, all registered players MUST join our Discord server!

Discord link: https://discord.gg/pCUQkQFj

Competition Schedule:

The competition will be divided into preliminaries and finals.

All competition reporting times will begin one hour before the start of the competition. If there are any issues during the reporting stage, players must report them. If reported after the report time, it will be considered invalid, and the player will be considered absent.

Prize Pool (Total Value: HKD15,000):

Champion: HKD2,500 + Nineswing shirt x4

1st Runner up: HKD1,000 + Nineswing shirt x4

2nd Runner up: HKD500

Special thanks to Nineswing, Safari Asia, Yes Master! and Yes Master Go for giving fully support to this tournament.
