【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區 總決賽Day1 積分公佈】

2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 絕地求生M 台港澳東南亞區總決賽首日的賽事進行得如火如荼,競爭相當激烈🔥,各隊伍憑藉神準的槍法🔫、非凡的團隊合作和策略,讓所有人都為之驚艷🤯,而經過一輪嘅鏖戰⚔️,總決賽首日的總積分亦都出爐了!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA Final Round Day 1 Total Point Announcement】

After the several gruelling rounds and intense battles, the first day of the 2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA⚔️ is completed🔥. They have shown exceptional skills🔫, teamwork, and strategy that have impressed everyone🤯. And the top 3 teams at the moment is TO from Taiwan, KHI from Philippines and the BH from Hong Kong namely, the teams which lag behind gotta strive harder to compete for the championship🏆. We wish all the team good luck and may the best team win💪🏽! Stay tuned for the final, and make sure you join us on the stream📺!
