開創先河 踏足世界舞台 – Chris Wong
🏆Capcom Cup X 亞軍
🏆Capcom Pro Tour 2023 法國站冠軍
🏆Capcom Pro Tour 2023 新加坡站亞軍
🏅杭州第19屆亞洲運動會 Top 4
Adios CW ❤️
Stepping onto the World Stage – Chris Wong
Today marks Chris’s official transfer from Yesports to the world-class European esports team Fnatic, which is also yet another symbolic moment for Yesports in successfully guiding players towards the global stage. In just one year, Chris has represented Yesports in multiple world-class tournaments, achieving outstanding results and becoming one of the top “Street Fighter” players in Hong Kong.
🏆Capcom Cup X Runner-up
🏆Capcom Pro Tour 2023 France Champion
🏆 Capcom Pro Tour 2023 Singapore Runner-up
🏅19th Hangzhou Asian Games Top 4
Thank you, Chris, for your contributions to Yesports, the esports community, and Hong Kong over the past year!
We wish Chris the best in reaching the top of the world and becoming a true “Street Fighter” champion!
Adios CW ❤