New “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” Trailer Teasing Multiplayer Mode

Activision has released a new trailer for Infinity Ward‘s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot, teasing the franchise’s fan-favorite Multiplayer and the various modes that will be available.

It also showcases an intensity and sense of realism the title is pushing for in this installment. Scored to Metallica’s “Enter the Sandman,” the footage teases new gameplay elements added to the title, such as Night Vision gunfights, new Killstreak rewards, and more.

Infinity Ward also announced the Modern Warfare open beta that will also test the tile’s crossplay capabilities. The PlayStation 4 Exclusive Beta Early Access runs September 12-13 before the open beta begins September 14 till September 16. After that comes the crossplay testing for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, which will be available Early Access September 19-20 before opening to everyone else 21-23 .

Check out the trailer above and grab Call of Duty: Modern Warfare October 25.

Source: Hypebeast