我們TGB有Discord 頻道了,想得知世界各地的最新遊戲及電競資訊,就加入我們的大家庭吧!!!
The Game Bank has a Discord channel now. If you want to know about games and e-sports latest news and information from all over the world, come join our big family! ! !
TGB Discord – https://discord.gg/4RYtgazzkK
遊戲銀行(TGB)是遊戲玩家、遊戲發行商、觀眾、遊戲設備供應商、名人等聚集和分享他們的經驗、獲取遊戲、試用和排名新遊戲的地方!Fantasyesports.tv 的目標是將各種電子競技遊戲的樂趣帶給每個人,無處不在!這些策略是通過與授權合作夥伴的合作以及 Fantasy Esports Empire 的授權安排來提供無縫平台。
在初始階段,將提供不同的電子競技競猜遊戲供玩家玩和賺取 Yesports 的禮物和購買理想商品的積分。 換一句話,其他許可的遊戲選擇將可供遊戲玩家享受。
The Game Bank (TGB) is where gamers, game publishers, audiences, game equipment suppliers, celebrities etc. gather and share their experiences, acquire games, trial out and rank new games!
Fantasyesports.tv objective is to bring the joy of all sorts of esports gaming to everyone, everywhere!The strategies are to through cooperation with licensed partners and also licensing arrangements for Fantasy Esports Empire to deliver a seamless platform.
In the initial phase, different Quiz Games of esports will be offered for gamers to play and earn Yesports for gifts and credits for the desirable merchandise purchases. At a later phrase, other licensed gaming choices will be available for gamers’ enjoyment.
Visit Forum: https://thegamebank.org/
Visit The Game Bank: https://www.thegamebank.co/
Visit Fantasyesports: https://www.fantasyesports.tv/