

【街霸6首場大型賽事突剎停 粉絲安慰:辛苦了】

原定於6月23日舉辦的「BeePro Cup 2023」本是街霸6上市後全球第一場大型賽事🔥,惟台灣格鬥遊戲電競選手及主辦人向玉麟( GamerBee )今午突在社交媒體宣佈📣因資金問題賽事停辦🥲,今晚8點亦會喺Twitch開直播宣布停辦同回答問題。

GamerBee 喺社交媒體指原本預計2023年疫情完全解禁🈲後,活動會有更多人參加,廠商亦會更支持活動,豈料😟今年每間廠商都面臨巨大的壓力,行銷預算被大幅刪減,再加上機票價格昂貴⬆️及CPT賽制嘅改變🔄(不再有積分給各地社群賽事,改為Capcom自己舉辦嘅先有),令海外玩家參加意慾受影響🧐,「種種的原因都造成了賣票的阻力,這些也都情有可原。」

佢直言:「如果硬著頭皮辦,那麼今年BeePro Cup資金缺口將會是百萬以上,如果現在停辦,那損失的大概就是四天場地租金和一些已經支出的費用。」即使有友好可不計回報地支持🙌🏼,亦不願接受,「我跟小Ju的理念始終認為BeePro Cup的永續需要找到正確的方式」。


Facebook : https://lnkd.in/eGdSCAKP
IG : https://lnkd.in/gW8xgFYa
YouTube: https://lnkd.in/gWK4T249

【奧運電競週下月星國開打 人氣遊戲《Fortnite》突成第十個項目】




Facebook : https://lnkd.in/eGdSCAKP
IG : https://lnkd.in/gW8xgFYa
YouTube: https://lnkd.in/gWK4T249

【Yesports全力贊助《街霸》選手 Chris Wong】

隨住電競喺香港嘅發展愈趨蓬勃,愈來愈多人都希望一嘗追夢滋味,成為電競選手。 Yesports Master Club 電競人才總會自成立以來,一直致力培育香港電競人才,為香港電競選手提供各種資源支持,例如場地、贊助、訓練等,增加選手去參加國際電競比賽及電競活動的機會和和資格,例如亞運會,及其他世界性賽事。

今日, Yesports 隆重宣佈將全力支持《街霸》選手 Chris Wong!Chris Wong喺《街霸》曾參加不同嘅比賽並取得將項,如:2016 Capcom Pro Tour 亞洲線上賽亞軍、TWF Open Series – World Warrior 亞洲東部賽4 亞軍同TWF Open Series – World Warrior 亞洲東部賽 1(7月)亞軍等等,佢上星期(1/5)更係深圳嘅2023 FightClub格鬥競技場勇奪亞軍。


本港電競發展之路,任重而道遠,Yesports將秉持住電競初心繼續前行。如果你對電競滿腔熱忱,歡迎你加入Yesports Master Club (香港電競人才總會),我地一齊努力,一齊進步!

Since the development of esports industry has become vigorous, esports has become the official medal item in Asian Games this year. More and more people want to chase their dreams to be esports pro players. Yesports Master club always commits to cultivating Hong Kong esports talents, providing Hong Kong esports players with various resources and support, such as, venue, sponsorship, training, etc, aiming to assist Hong Kong esports talents to join more international esports events, such as, Asian Games, or other worldwide tournaments.

We are glad to announce that Yesports is going to fully support and sponsor the Street Fighter Player – Chris Wong. Chris Wong has participated in different tournaments and won many titles: 1st Runner Up of Capcom Pro Tour Online 2016 Asia,

1st Runner Up of The TWF Open Series- World Warrior – Asia East 1

1st Runner Up of The TWF Open Series- World Warrior – Asia East 4.

And, he won 1st Runner Up of 2023 FightClub in Shenzhen a week ago.

We hope that they can work hard and carry on, improve themselves, and unleash their potentials in the world arena, especially in Asian Games, and fight for Hong Kong.

The development of esports in Hong Kong has been with lots of hardship. However, we still exert all efforts to strive and move on. If you love esports, come and join Yesports Master Club! Be better, together!


【Yesports 全力支持香港電競青年】



當中FIFAOnline4⚽️更相中現役FIFA Online 4 職業聯賽選手🏟️、FIFA Online 4職業聯賽S3&S8賽季冠軍🥇及2022年EACC亞洲杯季軍嘅莫子龍 (MzDragon) 擔任教練,相信憑着佢豐富嘅經驗🧐,定能帶領隊員踼出精彩比賽🥳,爭奪冠軍殊榮!等我哋一起為佢哋加油啦💪🏽




Facebook : https://lnkd.in/eGdSCAKP

IG : https://lnkd.in/gW8xgFYa

YouTube: https://lnkd.in/gWK4T249

【Yesports Master Club X Dota2 – SEA Tournament Result】

Congratulations 🎉to TWC.BP Herqana for becoming the champion of our DOTA2 Yesports Master Club X Dota2 – Southeast Asia competition! 🏆

We all have witnessed👀 your excellent team spirit🔥, strategic thinking and extraordinary operation. It is well-deserved to be the champion of this competition!

We would also like to thank all the teams that participated in the competition. Your participation made this competition exciting and memorable. We look forward to seeing you next time.

Also, we would like to thank Sir_Cloud and Ken Lu for professional casting. Your work definitely made our tournament into a high level.

Once again, thanks Nineswing , Safari Asia Limited , Tiger Guardians , YesMaster HK , YesMaster GO and WATT-Labs for sponsoring the prize pool for our winners.

Champion: The Walled City
1st Runner Up: MANTA Esports
2nd Runner Up: T.E.A.M. DAO ALPHA
【Yesports Master Club X Dota2 -東南亞賽區比賽賽果】
恭喜🎉TWC.BP Herqana成為我哋 DOTA2Yesports Master Club X Dota2 – 東南亞賽區比賽嘅冠軍! 🏆



另外,我哋亦感謝 Sir_Cloud 同 Ken Lu 嘅專業賽評。 你哋嘅表現絕對令我哋嘅比賽提升到另一層次!

再次感謝 Nineswing、 Safari Asia Limited、 Tiger Guardians 、 YesMaster HK、 YesMaster GO 和 WATT-Labs 為我們的獲獎者提供的獎金獎品。

冠軍: The Walled City
亞軍: MANTA Esports


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/yesports.asia
IG : https://instagram.com/yesports.asia
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@YesportsAsia

【Yesports全力贊助《傳說對決/王者榮耀》香港戰隊 #SoulReaver – AOV】

Yesports Master Club (香港電競人才總會) 自去年成立以來,一直致力培育香港電競人才,為香港電競選手提供各種資源支持,例如場地、贊助、訓練等。

今日, Yesports隆重宣佈將全力支持由傳說對決亞運版項目教練 傳說對決 RB紅豆 率領和指導的電競戰隊 #SoulReaver – AOV! 希望佢地繼續努力,加強備戰,不斷突破,在世界賽場上打出風格、展現實力。

本港電競發展之路,路漫漫而修遠兮。我哋仍然不忘電競初心,無論櫛風沐雨,繼續堅持前行。如果你對電競滿腔熱忱,歡迎你加入Yesports Master Club (香港電競人才總會),我地一齊努力,一齊進步!

Since Yesports Master Club was founded last year, it has been committed to cultivating Hong Kong esports talents, and providing Hong Kong esports players with various resources and support, such as, venue, sponsorship, training, etc.

We are glad to announce that Yesports is going to fully support and sponsor the esports team led by RB, the coach of AOV (Asian Games version). We hope that they can work hard and carry on, improve themselves, and unleash their potentials in the world arena.

The development of esports in Hong Kong has been with lots of hardship. However, we still exert all efforts to strive and move on. If you love esports, come and join Yesports Master Club! Be better, together!

教練及隊員名單 List of Coach and Players:
對抗路 TOP|YS 
打野 JUG|Nirvana
中路 MID|Kiki 
輔助 SUP|Qinglin


【Humanbomb「出戰」EVO JAPAN 2023】

「EVO JAPAN 2023」將喺3月31日 舉辦,而SoulReaver_StreetFighter選手Humanbomb 將出戰,小編聽說是街霸V最後一年的比賽 (原因今年將會推出街霸VI),我地一齊見証Humanbomb係街霸V爭取最高榮譽,劍指第一! 大家一定要為我們的香港代表打氣 .




Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/yesports.asia

IG : https://instagram.com/yesports.asia

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@YesportsAsia

【Yesports Master Club X Dota2 – SEA】

All the supporters of Radiant & Dire attention🚨!Are you seeking for a platform to show off your skills🤤? Are you desired to make people stunned by your technique🤯?It’s your time Now🤩

The「Yesports Master Club X Dota2」hosted by Yesports will kick off in April🥳!Act now, grasp💰 the chance to win cash prize & TigerGuardians NFT🪙!The deadline of the registration will be on 13 April at 18:00 sharp! All talented players, what are you wating for😳? Bring your team together to fight for the honour🏆

📖Details of the Tournament:

Registration Date: 1 April 2023 to 13 April 2023 (deadline at HKT 18:00)

Tournament Date: 19 April 2023 to 23 April 2023

Estimated Number of Teams: 64 teams

Tournament Website: https://www.yesports.info/

Target Audience: 16 years old and above

In order to get notified for the tournament announcements, all registered players MUST join our Discord server!

Discord link: https://discord.gg/cBXANsrEFQ

Schedule details:

Top 64 – Top 32 – Single Elimination BO1 Battles.

Top 16 – Semi-Finals – Single Elimination BO3 Battles.

Third Place Match – Grand Finals – Single Elimination BO3 Battles. (Live)

After the registration process is completed, all teams will be randomly assigned by lottery, to enter into the Top 64 Tournament.


【Yesports Master Club X Dota2 – 東南亞區】

各位天輝和夜魘嘅支持者留意啦🚨!!「Yesports Master Club X Dota2」嘅比賽將會在4月舉行🥳!是次冠亞季除左有豐富嘅現金獎之外,更有TigerGuardians NFT送出🤯!比賽將在4月1日開始接受報名! 趁住仲有時間,記得唔好錯過🤩!快帶上你嘅伙伴跟整個東南亞高手對決啦,爭取最終榮耀🏆


報名日期:2023年4月1日至2023年4月13日(截止時間為 18:00)



賽事網址: https://www.yesports.info/

參賽者: 需年滿16歲

為了獲得比賽公告的通知,所有選手必須加入我們的 Discord 服務器!

Discord 連結:https://discord.gg/cBXANsrEFQ


前 64 名 – 前 32 名 – 單敗淘汰 BO1 戰鬥。

前 16 名 – 半決賽 – 單敗淘汰 BO3 戰鬥。

季軍賽 至 總決賽 – 單敗淘汰BO3戰鬥。(全程直播)



Yesports好榮幸得到主辦機構 #元朗大會堂 邀請為合作單位🤝🏻,參與今個星期日(26/2) 🌈舉辦嘅「翻轉電競在元朗」親子電競同樂日👨‍👩‍👧‍👦。到時我哋旗下電競選手 Humanbomb會擔任星級嘉賓做分享🎤,仲會教小朋友打機。
同場我哋仲有電競遊戲體驗攤位向元朗家庭推廣親子電競樂趣,大家記得過嚟支持喇! 🥳🤩

日期:2023年2月26日 (星期日)
地點:元朗區綜合服務大樓一樓禮堂 (地址:元朗體育路4號)

#翻轉電競在元朗#親子電競#電競 #Yesports#地區活動#合作#全力支持#星期日#Humanbomb#星級嘉賓
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Youtube: https://youtube.com/@YesportsAsia