

「2023 深水埗區親子電競同樂運動會」

「2023 深水埗區親子電競同樂運動會🏟️

民政事務總署 Home Affairs Department 聯同 Yesports 及電競人才總會(Yesports Master Club)共同主辦及支持嘅「2023 深水埗區親子電競同樂運動會」8月13日喺前北九龍裁判法院圓滿結束啦~🥳🥳

今次嘅親子電競同樂運動會為呼應首次將電子競技👾納入正式比賽嘅杭州亞運,特地以列入杭州亞運嘅電競遊戲舉辦「香港電競人才盃 – 王者榮耀挑戰賽」🔥,仲有運動元素嘅三項鐵人賽🏃🏼及電競STEM體驗🎮,為親子提供一個同樂機會,共渡開心週未 👧🏻👦🏻




Yesports希望喺來緊可以將更多類似嘅活動帶到香港其他地區🗺️, 進一步推廣電子競技作為一項家庭娛樂活動,讓家庭成員一起歡度時光🥳



• 活動日期及時間:2023 年 8 月 12 及 13 日(星期六及日)12:00至17:00 (HKT)
• 活動地點:大埔道292號(即前北九龍裁判法院)
• 報名連結:https://forms.gle/disd2QiW7sxMDZfY8

今年9月, 中國杭州將舉辦第19屆亞運會。電競首次被列入正式比賽項目,成為獲官方認可的體育運動啦!為了讓公眾更加了解電競運動,體驗電競的樂趣,同時希望支持香港青年發展,培育電競人才,深水埗民政事務處將於8 月主辦「2023深水埗區親子電競同樂運動會」。現場將有激烈的 2023 香港電競人才盃 – 王者榮耀挑戰賽決賽,還設有一系列親子活動:LEGO工作坊、電競遊戲體驗 X LEGO鬥快砌、電競 STEAM 體驗區、懷舊遊戲機展覽!讓大家一齊睇比賽、玩遊戲、贏獎品,快D一家大細一齊報名參與啦!👨‍👩‍👧



「2023 Sham Shui Po District Family Fun Esports Games」Registration is now open!
• Date and Time: 12:00 to 17:00 (HKT), August 12 & 13, 2023 (Saturday and Sunday)
• Location: 292 Tai Po Road (Former North Kowloon Magistracy)
• Registration Link: https://forms.gle/disd2QiW7sxMDZfY8

In September this year, the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou, China. Esports has been officially recognized as a medal item at the first time! In order to allow the public to know more about esports, to support the development of Hong Kong youth and to cultivate esports talents, the Sham Shui Po District Office of Home Affairs Department will host the 「2023 Sham Shui Po District Family Fun Esports Games」 in August. There will be an intense final competition of the 2023 Hong Kong Esports Master Cup – Honor of Kings Tournament, as well as a series of family fun activities including LEGO workshops, esports games, esports STEAM experience zone, and retro game console exhibition! Let’s watch the finals, play games, and win prizes together. Act now and sign up with your family! 👨‍👩‍👧

Organizer: Sham Shui Po District Office of Home Affairs Department
Full Support and Coordination: Sham Shui Po Residents Association, Hong Kong Wuyi Youth Association Limited
Co-organizers: Yesports Master Club, Hong Kong Brick Rail LUG
Supported by: Yesports Media Ltd.
Sponsor: Home Affairs Department


ACGHK 2023 香港動漫電玩節搶先看

喂喂喂,一年一度動漫節又嚟啦。今年可惡既疫情終於走咗,口罩令😷都取消埋,仲唔係一齊入動漫節睇「無罩」Coser💃, 買毒物既好日子?想搶先知道今年有咩特別之處🤩,一於睇下小編喺記招影🎥到咩啦!去片! ACGHK 2023 香港動漫電玩節詳情: 日期:2023年7月28日至8月1日 地點:灣仔香港會議展覽中心一號廳 #動漫節 #ACG #動漫節2023 #ACG2023 # Coser #毒物 #好去處 #yesports #yesportsasia #yesportsmasterclub #電競人才總會 #esports #電競


星期日(7月2日),喜逢香港回歸二十六周年and習主席訪港一周年,我地去咗由中國香港電競總會 Esports Association of Hong Kong, ChinaCyberport 數碼港 協辦的「慶祝香港回歸26周年暨亞運征途撐王者榮耀中國香港隊直播派對」🤩,為我哋Yesports旗下嘅 #王者榮耀 電競選手打氣💪🏽!佢哋同時係候任中國香港王者榮耀亞運代表🔥


最後憑著我哋選手超卓嘅發揮🥳以及喺傳說對決 RB紅豆教練出色嘅指導下🤓,成功以2:1打贏中國澳門隊!獲得小組第二名🥳



【Final 賽事速報】


1st 中國代表隊 三戰全勝
2nd 中華台北代表隊 二勝一敗
3rd 香港代表隊 一勝二敗
4th 澳門代表隊 三戰全敗





【Day 1 賽事速報】

昨日(15/6)一連三日的「亞運征途 – 英雄聯盟賽事」正式揭開序幕。


CHN 2:0 獲勝



HKG 0:2 敗北

兩支戰隊主要由PCS聯賽中的Frank Esports 及 PSG Talon戰隊的骨幹成員再進行補強組成。




【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區比賽賽果】

【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區比賽賽果】

2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區比賽結果終於出爐了!🏅經過激烈的比賽🔥,首3名得獎隊伍及擊殺王分別是:

第一名 – TO

第二名 – KHI

第三名 – AiM

總決賽擊殺王 – TOXiaoY


同時,我們還要感謝贊助單位 NineswingSafari Asia LimitedYesMaster HKYesMaster GORoseG 提供獎金獎品,使得此次比賽得以順利進行。


本次活動由Yesports與旗下電競選手 RoseG 共同合辦,感謝 RoseG 在活動組織及賽評工作上盡心盡力,為PUBG Mobile的社群和選手們辦比賽、謀福利!希望Yesports未來可以和更多不同遊戲的選手及社群合作,推動電競和青少年發展!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA Tournament Result】

The results of the 2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Tournament in the Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Southeast Asian regions have finally been announced! 🏅After intense competition 🔥, the first three winning teams and the grand final kill leader are:

Champion – TO

1st Runner up – KHI

2nd Runner up – AiM

Grand Final Kill Leader: TOXiaoY

We believe that the high-level performance and team spirit displayed by all participants have left a deep impression on many viewers! We once again congratulate the winners and thank all other participants.👏👏

At the same time, we would like to thank the sponsors Nineswing , Safari Asia Limited , YesMaster HK , YesMaster GOand RoseG for providing prizes, which allowed the competition to proceed smoothly.

We look forward to seeing more exciting battles and outstanding performances in future competitions. 💪

This event is co-organized by Yesports and its affiliated esports player RoseG. We thank RoseG for his dedicated work in tournament organizing and commentating, and for bringing benefits to the PUBG Mobile community and players. We hope that in the future, Yesports can work with more players and communities from different games to promote esports and youth development!

*In view of the fact that Team BH has violated the rules of the competition, after inspection, organizers have decided to cancel Team BH’s results and their eligibility for awards.


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區 總決賽Day1 積分公佈】

2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 絕地求生M 台港澳東南亞區總決賽首日的賽事進行得如火如荼,競爭相當激烈🔥,各隊伍憑藉神準的槍法🔫、非凡的團隊合作和策略,讓所有人都為之驚艷🤯,而經過一輪嘅鏖戰⚔️,總決賽首日的總積分亦都出爐了!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA Final Round Day 1 Total Point Announcement】

After the several gruelling rounds and intense battles, the first day of the 2023 Yesports x Rose Cup🌹 PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA⚔️ is completed🔥. They have shown exceptional skills🔫, teamwork, and strategy that have impressed everyone🤯. And the top 3 teams at the moment is TO from Taiwan, KHI from Philippines and the BH from Hong Kong namely, the teams which lag behind gotta strive harder to compete for the championship🏆. We wish all the team good luck and may the best team win💪🏽! Stay tuned for the final, and make sure you join us on the stream📺!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區】

你係唔係搵緊機會喺 絕地求生M 嘅世界中挑戰自己🔫?依家機會嚟啦,我哋將會同 RoseG 合辦絕地求生M 比賽【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup 絕地求生M 台港澳 東南亞區】,比你同其他高手一齊爭奪冠軍🏆殊榮,仲有豐富獎金獎品等你嚟拎💰






賽事網址: https://www.yesports.info/

參賽者: 需年滿14歲

為了獲得比賽公告的通知,所有選手必須加入我們的 Discord 服務器!

Discord 連結:https://discord.gg/pCUQkQFj




獎金獎品 (總值超過15,000港元):

冠軍: HKD2,500 + Nineswing shirt x4

亞軍: HKD1,000 + Nineswing shirt x4

季軍: HKD500

特別鳴謝NineswingSafari Asia LimitedYesMaster HKYesMaster GO 對比賽嘅鼎力支持!


【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA🌹

Are you searching for an opportunity to challenge yourself in the world of PUBG Mobile🔫? Well, now you have a chance! We are excited 🥳 to announce that we will be hosting a PUBG Mobile tournament with RoseG【2023 Yesports x Rose Cup PUBG Mobile Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and SEA】where you can compete with other skilled players for the chance to win the championship🏆, as well as winning rich prizes💰!

Register now and share this post with your friends to invite them to participate this amazing tournament upcoming, we can’t wait to see you there!👀

📖Details of the Tournament:

Registration Date: 23 May 2023 to 31 May 2023 (deadline at HKT 18:00)

Tournament Date: 2 June 2023 to 4 June 2023

Estimated Number of Teams: 64 teams

Tournament Website: https://www.yesports.info/

Target Audience: 14 years old and above

In order to get notified for the tournament announcements, all registered players MUST join our Discord server!

Discord link: https://discord.gg/pCUQkQFj

Competition Schedule:

The competition will be divided into preliminaries and finals.

All competition reporting times will begin one hour before the start of the competition. If there are any issues during the reporting stage, players must report them. If reported after the report time, it will be considered invalid, and the player will be considered absent.

Prize Pool (Total Value: HKD15,000):

Champion: HKD2,500 + Nineswing shirt x4

1st Runner up: HKD1,000 + Nineswing shirt x4

2nd Runner up: HKD500

Special thanks to Nineswing, Safari Asia, Yes Master! and Yes Master Go for giving fully support to this tournament.


「築夢 ‧ 元夢」元宇宙創作比賽及培訓計劃現正開始接受報名

由香港理工大學電子計算學系主辦的「築夢 ‧ 元夢」元宇宙創作比賽及培訓計劃現正開始接受報名!Yesports會為本課程提供企業參觀和研究支持,學生將有機會獲得Yesports實習機會*。展現你的能力和創意,贏取豐富獎品和入學獎學金!表現優異的參加者,不論有否獲獎,均有機會獲得本科入學加分。

• 決賽獎品:總值超過港幣十萬元,亦有機會得到入學獎學金
• 入學加分:能力評估表現優異者有機會獲得理大電子計算學系入學加分
• 參加對象:對元宇宙創作有興趣的本地中四、五學生
• 參加方法:組成三人一隊,透過中學填寫網上報名表
• 截止日期:2023年5月31日


